Events and Links

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Useful Links

Millie has made many friends on DoggiePubs and is happy to share some Links with you.

If you would like us to display a link to your site please email Please note that you will be asked to make a donation to Millie’s favourite charity The Border Terrier Welfare. This Registered Charity (No. 1116853) was dear to Millie’s heart for obvious reasons and grateful thanks go to every link that has helped BTW and the dogs that they support. To date DoggiePubs has raised several thousand pounds which has helped towards vets bills for the sick, housing for the homeless, food and warmth for the abandoned. In answer to the question, ‘how much do we need to donate?’, obviously donations are at your discretion but, as a guide, anything from £10 to a generous £100 is welcome and will last – in terms of displaying your link - for a full year.

In addition to your donation, DoggiePubs would appreciate a reciprocal link.

Useful Books

You, Your Dog and the Law

Pets Welcome!

Give Your Dog a Bone

Dog-friendly Breaks in Britain