The Pubs

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  • StarsThis icon is for.....


Stars are awarded by YOU.

Please help us get the stars right, they indicate overall dog-friendliness. So a simple pub may deserve 5 Stars, whereas a very smart gastropub may only receive 1, (or visa versa).


Stars represent Your Views, SO...

If you think that one of the listed pubs needs more or less Stars PLEASE just HOVER OVER Rate Pub link AND CLICK THE STARS. Your new rating will get sent to us.



Why have some pubs got no stars?

Because no one has told us yet how many it deserves! Please bear with us while we update the pubs, this may take a little while as there are OVER 7000!


As you can see we do need your help with the new dog-friendly ratings. This is an excellent excuse to visit all the pubs that are local to you and do some serious research. Ideally every pub should be ‘starred and iconned’. Woof, woof!


  • Beer

Dog-friendly pub with no food

  • Chips

Dog-friendly pub with basic bar menu

  • Soup

Dog-friendly pub with more adventurous food

  • Chef

Dog-friendly pub, with stunningly good food

  • Award

Dog-friendly pub, with award winning good food

  • Dog

Dog-friendly pub with doggie B&B

  • Beer

DoggiePubs has visited this pub

A friendly word to Publicans: if you submit your own pub, please do be realistic, exaggerating the rating will only lead to disappointment.

Useful Books

You, Your Dog and the Law

"Daily Telegraph" the Quiet Pint: A Guide to Pubs with No Piped Music
D & J Dempster

Dog-friendly Breaks in Britain

Motorway walks for drivers and dogs