Welcome to DoggiePubs
Welcome to our non-commercial guide to happy eating out with your dog. We have well over 5000 pubs listed throughout the UK. Pubs get included by recommendation - they can't pay to be listed. Eager publicans earn their listings by being dog-friendly enough to welcome dogs into their pub, that's all. Our reward is knowing how much this site is liked and discovering more places where Border Terrier Millie will be welcome.
Just click on the Map to the left to get started.
The New Ratings
Supporters will notice that the Ratings have changed. There are now stars for dog-friendliness as well as more icons for food categories including dog-accommodation and, to amuse the hounds amongst you, the trail of our pub crawling career can now be sniffed out!
Please tell us if your local pubs are accurately described.
Our new stars represent your views. If you find a listed pub you know that is without stars, please rate it; equally if you think another needs more (or less) stars that it has already been given, add your score which will then be taken into account. To do all this just hover over the stars of your choice and click. Thank you.
We personally feels that too much change is a great mistake and so assure everyone that our priorities remain in agreement with Adam Edwards who was searching for the best traditional country pubs some years ago. "The pub must serve decent beer [and] be part of the local community. The food must be simple and good, but should not eclipse the important business of drinking. It should not be so popular that the locals have been squeezed out, nor so exclusive that it does not welcome the colonel and the cleaning lady. Ideally, there should be no piped music, no microwaves and no electronic games. Dogs, gumboots and smoking (ah those long gone pre-ban days!) must be allowed. Children could be seen, but should not be heard......." Source: The Daily Telegraph, 2 2 02.
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